達悟族:飛魚之神推薦??前陣子,陪了我們好久的影音店歇業了,之後就好少到那邊晃啦,最近羅賓一直問我影音達悟族:飛魚之神那裡買會比較便宜!上網幫他查了 達悟族:飛魚之神推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,CD,華語,台語,日韓,西洋,古典,爵士,輕音樂,童謠/兒歌,歌劇/舞台劇,宗教音樂,原聲帶,DVD,電視影集,推薦那裡買便宜!經過多方比較後,發現達悟族:飛魚之神曾在富邦momo購物網影音產品類造成搶購熱潮,價格也很實在,重點是買的安心。達悟族:飛魚之神到貨的速度還滿快的,一拿到之後為之驚艷,CP值超高!。商品網址如下:




達悟族:飛魚之神早就是暢銷的明星商品,還沒有用過的這邊介紹一下,達悟族:飛魚之神吸引我的最大因素,除了好用之外,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀! 達悟族:飛魚之神更多詳細的資訊這邊請:


商品訊息描述: 誰說有文字的民族才留得住故事,原住民用情感、用口傳、用舞蹈,用生命寫台灣歷史!推開達悟族神話與傳說秘境大門,將發現:

「竹生人和石生人」故事:洪水淹沒蘭嶼島和島上一群長相和行為都很古怪的人;九年後,天上的人派竹生人和石生人賜給 達悟族人新生命,並帶來智慧、知識,傳授各種生活技藝。

The Bamboo Man and the Stone Man: The Creation Story of the Tao

A group of odd-looking with stranger movements spread throughout the land. Before long, a great flood came and covered the entire Orchid Island and all of these strange people. Nine years later spring finally returned and the people in the heaven sent his two children, the man of bamboo and the man of stone. These two were to carry on the lifeline of the Tao Tribe and to introduce them to the necessary wisdom, knowledge, and skills, and also to admonish the people of all generations to respect the heaven and cherish all things of this earth.

「飛魚之神」故事:達悟族人吃了飛魚後,全身奇癢難治,幸好飛魚之神托夢給族中長老,教導正確食用方法與禮儀。 從此,族人謹守知足常樂的道理,更珍惜海洋中的一切。

The Flying Fish Spirit

As the moon shines over the ocean, the flying fish are attracted to the fires of the Tao, and one by one they jump into the boats. The flying fish season of Orchid Island has arrived! Long ago the Tao did not understand the ways of the flying fish, and when they ate the flying fish they would break out in a rash. Through a dream, the Flying Fish Spirit taught one of the Tao how to catch and eat the flying fish. From that time on, the Tao not only learned the joys of the flying fish, they also learned to treasure everything of the sea.

「達悟拼板舟」故事:地底的老鼠人一切井然有序,精緻的舟船讓達悟族人大開眼界。達悟族人向他們學會造船技術, 並遵守善用資源、互助合作、回饋共享等等造船成功的關鍵事項。

Origins of the Tao Canoe

The Tao followed the water cave to the land of the people of the underworld. What they found there was both surprising and pleasing. Men and women were working together in their own special areas of expertise and everything was very orderly. But it was the very finely built canoes that really opened their eyes. The people of the underworld transferred their skills of building the boats, but more important they also helped the Tao understand the keys to successfully making the boats: careful use of resources, cooperation and mutual aid, and a spirit of contributing to the common good.


The Story of the Abandoned Child

The sounds of an infant crying emerged from the forest. Fortunately the heaven had taken pity on this child and he was found by an old man and woman who would raise him as their own child. When he grew older he was hard-working and filial to his parents. It wasn’t until his birth mother recognized him that he finally learned the truth. He selected the best pig and goat and put on a great feast, the most one can honor others in the Tao Tribe. The feast was to honor the old man and woman but he also invited his birth mother to join. Not only did he treat the old man and woman who raised him with all the due honor and respect, he also did not harbor any resentment toward his birth mother for having abandoned him.













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